Jan 5, 2009

My Word for 2009

This year, thanks to Chris Giovagnoni and an article by Dan Britton, I've decided to have a one-word theme for 2009.

I'm excited to try this and I hope I can maintain the spirit of what this word means to me. I've decided not to share why I've chosen this word as there are many reasons; some of which are simply too deep for me to post right now.

2008 was a wonderful year filled with joy, happiness, excitement, and full spirit, but there were also moments of sadness and regret and I hope that my careful choice of this word will help mend some of the sadness from last year.

My word was chosen after many weeks of soul searching and careful thought and it truly reflects what I hope to change and focus upon in 2009.

This year, my word is dedication. What's yours?
Need some suggestions? Try checking this site for words other folks have chosen. I didn't realize how popular of a "thing" this was until I was reading through my reader posts and saw Laurie doing a linky on her site. Maybe I'm the only one not choosing words for each year. Oh man I'm behind... let's not even try to give 2008 a word, there are too many and not enough time to narrow it down. We'll just start fresh this year and go from there! Happy word choosing warafiki!

1 comment:

Shawnalee said...

That's a good word! We all need more dedication in our lives.

"Sometimes I'd like to ask God why He allows poverty, famine, and injustice in the world when He could do something about it, but I'm afraid God would ask me the same question."
You don't change the world by trying to change the world; you change the world by changing yourself.
-Gerry Straub