Jul 27, 2009
Here's the video, check it out.
"Say cheese... or kibble!"

Jul 17, 2009
I'm such a sap.
I often cry when I sing, even if it's not a sad song but is just a little slow. Seriously, I could be singing a slow song about twinkies, rabbits, or candy corn and cry about it. I'm just like that. I'm a sap. I'll admit that openly. But only because I know I'm not the only one. ;)
So I'm watching this video today of Naturally 7 on a subway in France. They started singing somewhat randomly and of course, as soon as I saw people realizing what was going on, I teared up. What is wrong with me?! There is nothing sad about it. It's cool. It's fun. It's good times. I think that any positive act of human nature must stir something in my bones. There's potential for me to cry a river. Like when I read Same Kind of Different as Me. Have you read it? You should.
Don't forget to see the not-at-all-sad video of Naturally 7 in France.
I'm missing Africa today...
I can recall many, many times at church as a child hearing our Sunday School teacher tell us to use our "singing voice" to sing. Thinking back, I can also remember hearing our choir director in elementary school tell us the same thing. We had these little rhymes we sang to get our singing voices warmed up.
African singing is different. There is no such thing as a "singing voice." Singing is just that, song. It is a story. It is innocent. It is joy. I miss it tremendously. It was something I heard on a daily basis. Children sing walking to school, doing chores, playing with friends... nothing is more beautiful.
Jul 16, 2009
Fido Bags!

Jul 15, 2009
[Almost] Wordless Wednesday... Diamonds
I'm not actually participating in the WW blog carnival, but I am in love with this picture and am just a tiny bit obsessed with taking pictures of my new favorite piece of jewelry. I can't promise there won't be more.
While we're on topic, let's have a poll. Before I got this ring, I decided that when I did get it, I wouldn't take it off unless I was doing something super gross, or something that could harm the stones or metal. That being said, because I am a hydration fanatic, I use a lot of lotion. I realize that rings hate lotion so I've been using a brush to clean it after the rub down. I suppose I'll probably clean it every week or so just because I do keep it on all of the time.
Tell me... do you take your rings off? How often do you clean them at home (if you clean them at home)?
I know a lot of people take their rings off at night or when they shower. What makes you take your rings off? I'm curious.
(So much for the wordless post....)

Jul 12, 2009
Nature Girl, the Warthog, and the Hyena
Blogger is being difficult tonight so only a few pictures uploaded and for some reason I can't change their order, grr!!!
...will try to post more pics tomorrow.
Jul 10, 2009
Random Friday
Jul 8, 2009
Best of Craigslist
We must get rid of our children IMMEDIATELY because we just know how time consuming our new little puppy is going to be and it just wouldn't be fair to the children.
Since our little puppy will be arriving on Monday we MUST place the children up for adoption this weekend!
They are described as: One male -- his name is Tommy, Caucasian (English/Irish mix), light blonde hair, blue eyes. Four years old. Excellent disposition. He doesn't bite. Temperament tested. Does have problems with peeing directly in the toilet. Has had chicken Pox and is current on all shots. Tonsils have already been removed. Tommy eats everything, is very clean, house trained and gets along well with others. Does not run with scissors and with a little training he should be able to read soon.
One female -- her name is Lexie, Caucasian (English/Irish mix), strawberry blonde hair, green eyes quite freckled. Two years old. Can be surly at times. Non-biter, thumb sucker. Has been temperament tested but needs a little attitude adjusting occasionally. She is current on all shots, tonsils out, and is very healthy and can be affectionate. Gets along well with other little girls and little boys but does not like to share her toys and therefore would do best in a one child household. She is a very quick learner and is currently working on her house training. Shouldn't take long at all.
We really do LOVE our children so much and want to do what's right for them. That is why we contacted a rescue group. But we simply can no longer keep them. Also, we are afraid that they may hurt our new puppy.
I hope you understand that ours is a UNIQUE situation and we have a real emergency here! They MUST be placed into your rescue by Sunday night at the latest or we will be forced to drop them off at the orphanage or along some dark, country road. Our priority now has to be our new puppy.
ht: Allyson... (Nola's boyfriend's mom)
Jul 7, 2009
...It's Tuesday...
-Tshirt project is going rocky... I went by today to spread some sparkle news and check in on arrival and they'd not been ordered because I changed the quantity and they forgot what the new number was. Boo. Delay on that for another week. (I will talk to my partner in crime and see if we can reveal the design though!)
-D's interview was cancelled on Thursday b/c one of the interviewers can't make it. He was planning to have a phone interview. When they let him know about the cancellation they said "oh, maybe now you can come in person." Bleh. Ok. So he's flying down to VA on Sunday, has an afternoon interview the following day the will fly back up to Boston Monday evening. What a tiring trip. Poor Chandler.
-My sister is coming to spend the night on Saturday and my friend S from work is going to let us use his awesome camera to take some puppy pics. Can't wait to for that!!! Speaking of... I have cool puppy pics to share, gotta check with our photog to see how to go about doing that. BW-T, if you're reading this, check your email! :)
-Got bunches more fabric in yesterday. I love fabric days! They are all so pretty!!!
-I've finally set up my Etsy shop! Will wait to post the link b/c there's one test picture up right now.... I'm hoping B can help me get some bags made this weekend so I'll have more to post in the shop. (Shop or shoppe?)
I leave you with more from Gerry Straub...
Christ’s Friends
If you are poor or needy,
if you are despised by all,
if you are a sinner,
then Christ considers you to be his friend
and he welcomes you to his banquet table.
If you are looking for Jesus,
you’ll find Him in the midst of those
who are being crucified, rejected, alienated and oppressed.
He is in the dark corners of your neighborhood,
waiting for you to help Him.
Unless we stand shoulder to shoulder
with the poorest of the poor,
we will not find the crucified Christ,
nor experience the richness of His resurrection.

Jul 5, 2009
How it happened...
We dug a few holes, chatted, shook off the towel, dug some more holes, shook off the towel...
...as we were watching the waves roll in we saw two tiny ghost crabs running around in front of us. When the water would get close, one would run inside his hole while the other one just crawled around trying to get away from it. D said something about how they needed their shells. I told him those crabs didn't have shells. He kept going on and on (and on and on) about how they needed shells... and I finally snapped that those weren't the type of crabs that had shells (!!!). Then he opened his hand to reveal a few shells he'd picked up and asked which one I thought they should have. Before I could further argue, he flipped one of shells and asked what I thought about it... underneath it, still in his hand, was my ring... Yada, yada, yada... goo, goo... I said yes!

Jul 3, 2009
Jul 2, 2009
I hate Boston weather.
Do you base your faith on what God does, or who He is?
I so, so wish I had more time to really give this question the attention it deserves, but for now, I'll just share that I'm a bit ashamed to say that because I tend to be human ;), I primarily base my faith on what He does. I'm trying to learn more so that I can be the latter, but until then... it's a struggle.
What about you?
The Poverty of God
No force controls God’s action,
which makes God all free.
God does as God wills.
God will give anything and everything for us.
This is the poverty of God,
the self-emptying love of God.
God does not accumulate;
God gives all away.
We are called to be like God,
to empty ourselves of everything
but love
and to share that love with others
and all creation
by becoming more and more merciful,
compassionate, forgiving and understanding.
Jul 1, 2009
Bags, bags, bags....

(Girl, I don't have to work on that Saturday!)
D has an interview in VA!!! This is great news! Not as close as we were hoping but it is fantastic and we're excited!
I still need to post pics from the picnic!
-Gerry Straub