Oct 10, 2010

Big Daddy

Pax went to his first concert on Friday night - it was SO much fun!  A couple months ago, our church announced that it would be hosting Big Daddy Weave (!!!) as part of their Hope Restored tour - we bought tickets the first day they were available.  Andy Kirk and Aaron Shust opened - they were AWESOME!  Andy is so cute and Aaron was very down to earth - they all were really.  I LOVED how genuine everyone was - Mike (Big Daddy) - was especially awesome!  You would have never thought any of them were well known - they were just THAT cool!  Cheesy, right?  I'm not kidding though - we had a blast! 
(Except that I got behind the woman that swayed back and forth - you know the type - the ENTIRE time so I kept having to move all around to see, and our seats were good even - blah!)

Here's Aaron:

Aaron Shust from Ginger Hatcher on Vimeo.

Pax was ALL about some BDW - here's one of the better videos I managed to get:

Big Daddy Weave from Ginger Hatcher on Vimeo.

I decided not to take my regular camera and instead just went with my Cool Pix so the video quality isn't great, but I wasn't sure if cameras were even allowed and I didn't take my bag in so I had to go with what was pocketable.  Sway lady is in the frame on the right, I'm sure you won't miss her. 

I LOVED the way they ended the night - BDW brought Andy and Aaron  back on stage and they all sang several songs combined starting with Mighty to Save - it was so, so good! 


Jibbooo said...

Where did you see your Hope Restored Tour show? I saw them in Lewisburg, PA. What did you think of Andy Kirk?

GinH said...

Andy was really good - they all made a really great combo! I am going to check iTunes to see if Andy has any of his songs there...

"Sometimes I'd like to ask God why He allows poverty, famine, and injustice in the world when He could do something about it, but I'm afraid God would ask me the same question."
You don't change the world by trying to change the world; you change the world by changing yourself.
-Gerry Straub