Jun 20, 2011

FOUR Months!

Oliver is FOUR (4) MONTHS!

Oliver was four months on Friday, June 10th.
This post is ten days late because I have a FOUR month old!

At 4 months, Oliver officially weighs 14lbs 3oz and is 23.5" long.  He is in the 50% percentile for weight and the 25th for height.
-He wears 3m, 3-6m, and 6m sizes.  Most of his clothes are 3-6m but a few are 6m.
-He continues to nurse on demand and I'm finally able to predict when he will be hungry.  Before, it was random and now he will eat every 2.5-3 hours.  (With some comfort nursing in between as needed of course.) I love how quick he eats!  When he was tiny, I can remember nursing him for HOURS (sometimes three or more!), but now he's done in 10-15 minutes tops.

-Diapers: He wears FuzziBunz during the day & BumGenius (or GroVia) AIO at night.  When we travel to NC, we use 7th Generation disposables until the next to last day, then we switch back to cloth.  We tried using cloth and washing the diapers when we travel, but because of different washing machines, we found it easier to just use 7th Gen and wash diapers at home.  
-15 weeks was a BIG week for us; he laughed (belly laugh!) for the first time in response to something he found funny.  He rolled over (front to back); and he found his feet.

-He loves to stand up is very active.  He reaches for toys and they're starting to go directly into his mouth. 
-He still sleeps through the night, although every once in a while he'll wake up around 4a for a quick snack.
-He is so funny!   He makes the funniest growl; it's his favorite vocalization.  

-He still loves to splash in the bathtub and gets a bath every day - it's his happy place.

-He's had a handful of play dates, most notably with his buddies Riley (who is just 13 days younger)

and Henry (who is about 4 months older).

I can already tell Oliver is going to be into EVERYTHING in a few months.  He is so much fun and has so much energy already.  He is so incredibly sweet and makes everyone laugh.  I will definitely be faster getting next month's post up because I already feel like it's right around the corner.  How is it possible for the weeks to go by so fast after you have a baby?  Just about every mother on the planet will tell you how fast babies grow.  And it's such an obvious thing, but until you have your own, you really can't comprehend it.  I probably have said this in every month post, but we talk about it all the time - we can't imagine life without him, yet it seems like yesterday that he was born.  How is that?!  Happy four months sweet boy!!!! 


Mommy S said...

I look forward to these monthly updates and you always deliver. Thanks for posting!

Jill Foley said...

What a great update! He is such a sweetie. I really just want to come over and play with him. When are you coming out to visit us and see the Pacific Northwest?

It's so true that they grow up so quickly. Just yesterday I was getting my girls out of the tub and I asked each of them...."Who are you and what did you do with my babies?!?!"

Just wait...you'll know what I'm talking about in 4-6 years. It will come sooooo quickly.

"Sometimes I'd like to ask God why He allows poverty, famine, and injustice in the world when He could do something about it, but I'm afraid God would ask me the same question."
You don't change the world by trying to change the world; you change the world by changing yourself.
-Gerry Straub