May 18, 2011

Day in the Life - Tuesday

I did this last year and it was a lot of fun.  A couple of friends recently did it and I was reminded of the fun.  Here's our Tuesday (and yes, it's taken me until now to get it posted!)

8am - Chandler leaves for work (like our fancy 70's sheet we keep on the bed for the animals?)

9am - Me and the kids (speaking grammar is used 'round these parts) move downstairs for breakfast.
9:30am - Rover plays. 

10am - We run to Babies R Us to pick up the final part of a baby gift for a friend.  I didn't get a picture in the store because I forgot my camera.

11am - Chan comes home for lunch; Oliver dangles his dingle and airs his bottom in the warm sun.

11:30am - I work on meal planning for the next couple of weeks.

12:15pm - Rover settles for an afternoon nap...
...and I pull out my work for the afternoon.

12:20pm - I quickly run upstairs to put our comforter cover in the dryer.  Someone unknowingly sprayed it with a tiny fountain while dangling the dingle earlier in the day (scroll back up to 8am)...
...I also realize the diaper pail is full so I toss those in the wash while I'm upstairs.

 2pm - After working for a while I keep thinking of things that I need to do so I finally make a list.  I love lists.  I love lists with check boxes even more.  I don't hesitate to draw lines through the same items, even though I've already checked the box.  It makes me happy.

2:40pm - Someone wakes up.  I'm none too pleased, we walk around the block...
...didn't work.  It would have had there been more time, but 15 minutes was all I had so I resorted to Veggie Tales.  I get back to work and notice he's back asleep.

4pm - Still working.

7pm - More playtime - for both kids.

 8pm - We all hang out on the couch to watch Biggest Loser.

8:30p - I was talking to a friend around 6pm (hence the lack of a photo) who mentioned having to make cookies for work the following day.  This conversation turned into how to get around making cookies from scratch and then led to cake balls, which reminded me that I had cake mix.  We had cake while we watched Biggest Loser. 

9pm - Hanging out.

 9:30pm - I decide we need a family picture...
...and because someone was still going strong, more playtime.

 10:30pm - Time for bed.
Good night!

May 14, 2011

THREE Months!

At three (3!) months....
(yes, posting late, he was three months on May 10th)

-Oliver is unofficially 13.5lbs.
-He can still wear some 0-3m clothes from Gymboree and 3m from Carter's, however with his cloth diapers adding some extra bulk, I normally put him in 6m Carter's and 3-6m Gymboree.  Those brands are 99% of his wardrobe.

-He is in cloth diapers (FuzziBunz, Thirsties, BumGenius & GroVia) more than 90% of the time.  We predominently use FuzziBunz and Thirsties, but have been using BumGenius AIOs at night as they seem to hold more and therefore not leak.  We use disposables when we travel and have switched to 7th Generation chlorine free - size 2, as we realized Pampers were the culprit of his rash.

-He continues to nurse on demand and nurse well.  He has started to talk and make noises periodically while eating and even though it prolongs his meal, it's so funny to see his personality really come out.  He's a character for sure! 

-At 9 weeks, he found his hands and they've been in his mouth ever since!  He also laughed while awake at 9 weeks, but hasn't done it since.  (He did laugh two more times in his sleep.)  At 9 weeks he also acts like he's pretending to be bashful and plays more with his faces and expressions.
-Between 10 and 11 weeks, he started to make different sounds and now has five or six different vocalizations.

-At 12 weeks, he realized he could make sounds while he nursed and that turned into a growl.  It cracks me up when he does it, half because it tickles and half because his face gets really serious.

-At 12 weeks exactly, Oliver slept through the night and has done so ever since (so almost 10 days now).  This was also when he went from newborn to infant. 

-Oliver was baptized at St. Timothy's Episcopal Church on May 8th.  This was also our anniversary and Mother's Day.  It was a special service as the bishop was visiting and he was the only baby being baptized.  At our church, they use a seashell to pour water over the candidate's head followed by a special oil (that smells really good!).  Each person gets to keep their shell - this was especially meaningful to us since we were married at the beach and it was our anniversary.  We had 30 family members attend the baptism service.

(anniversary picture)

(mother's day picture)
-He loves to splash in the bathtub and hates riding in the car.
(don't let this picture fool you, his Nonny was sitting beside him!)

-Morning is his happiest time.  He normally wakes up around 5a to nurse, then sleeps until 7:30 or 8a when he finishes nursing.  Sometimes I will get up then and shower, and he'll catnap for 30minutes or so, other times, we'll both stay in bed and sleep until 9 or 9:30.  Once up, we wash his face, get him dressed and then play and read stories until he takes another catnap in the late morning.  Daddy comes home from work for lunch and Oliver nurses.  He takes his long nap from 1:00 until around 5:00 (yes, I am blessed with an amazing sleeping baby!).  After dinner, if it's nice outside, we walk around the neighborhood before it's time for a bath.  He normally falls asleep sometime between 9 and 11 depending on the day.  I would guess he eats six to eight times a day but I don't really keep track of it and it could vary day to day.

-We've noticed that he's really into his toys lately and he also likes to watch cartoons (oy!).  We've put a few shows in Netflix for him and he enjoys watching the colors.  He might watch ten minutes maybe twice/week on average.  It's cute now, but we don't want to have a lot of TV watching.

-I just asked Chandler what differences he's noticed from 2 months to 3 months and he said, 'more personality; louder (ha!); and crying when he has his diaper changed at night.'  That is definitely new - if he does happen to wake up at night and I change him, he screams.  I think it's because he's just stirring and not waking, but since he's not sleeping soundly, I change his diaper anyway so it doesn't leak.  Thankfully, he goes right back to sleep, but still - it's loud.

-As hard as it is to watch him grow, it's equally as exciting because he is just so, so sweet and loving and it's fun to see his personality develop.

Oliver and Mr. Bear

1 week
12 weeks

May 9, 2011

May 8th

 Last year, a little after 11:00am on May 8th we said our vows.

The Blessing of the Marraige
O God, you have so consecrated the covenant of marriage that in it is represented the spiritual unity between Christ and his church: Send therefore your blessing upon these your servnats, that they may so love, honor, and cherish each other in faithfulness and patience, in wisdom and true godliness, that their home may be a haven of blessing and peace; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.  Amen

This year, just after 11:00am on May 8th, our son was sealed by the Holy Spirit in holy baptism.
(A wonderful first Mother's Day!)

The Baptism
Heavenly Father, we thank you that by water and the Holy Spirit you have bestowed upon him your servant the forgiveness of sin, have raised him to the new life of grace.  Sustain him, O Lord, in your Holy Spirit.  Give him an inquiring and discerning heart, the courage to will and to perservere, a spirit to know and to love you, and the gift of joy and wonder in all your works.  Amen

May 4, 2011

Mini We

As a follow-up, I think it's clear there's no mistaking my baby daddy.
Although, it does appear he has my ears.

Giraffe Riding

(2 days old)
(10 weeks old)
...apparently it's just not fun.

May 1, 2011

Here I grow!

Almost 2 weeks and almost 8 weeks.

"Sometimes I'd like to ask God why He allows poverty, famine, and injustice in the world when He could do something about it, but I'm afraid God would ask me the same question."
You don't change the world by trying to change the world; you change the world by changing yourself.
-Gerry Straub