Apr 11, 2011

TWO Months!

At TWO months old....

-Oliver is 11lbs 14oz and 21.5 inches long

-He still wears 0-3 month in Gymboree and 3 month in Carters.  There are a few 3m sizes in Carters that are still too big.  I'm not sure if he will wear them since they're winter clothes and it's getting warmer, but I'm trying to put him in some of those things when the temps are in the 50s simply so he can wear them.

-We're doing a mix of Pampers Swaddlers Sensitive size 1 diapers and cloth.  His bumGenius AIO/OS are still a little big.  I have a diaper post coming soon! 

-He gets a bath every other day or every third day depending on what we've been up to and how fussy he is.  I started putting him in the bath with me and Chan will come read us stories.  It's nice family time.

-He continues to nurse well and is still eating on demand.

-He wakes up around 7:30a to nurse and will take a two-ish hour nap in the morning followed by a longer 3-4 hour nap in the afternoon.  Sometimes he'll combine these into one long 5 hour nap.  He has started going to sleep for the night around 11p.

-After some kind suggestions, we started using Gripe water for his gas and it's made all the difference!  Thanks :)

-He can follow people and objects with his eyes and he loves to look at himself in the mirror!

-Around 6 weeks he really started to coo a lot.  He started with 'owww' and I heard 'gewww' earlier this week. 

-He is very responsive now.  When we smile at him, he smiles back - he also likes to be tickled on his face and his arm.

-A week ago I felt like he looked a little high in his car seat so after reading the manual I realized that he shouldn't have the bottom infant insert in the seat and removed it.  He's such a big boy now!

-He is so much fun and is the sweetest baby!  He loves to talk when he's laying down for a diaper change.  He smiles a lot when he nurses and often will pull himself off to just look up and smile.
There are times when I look at him and he looks tiny and other times he looks so big.  I feel like he should only be about a month old, not two months.  Although he'll technically be a newborn for a few more weeks, he already looks like a 'baby' to me.  Happy two months Oliver!  xoxoxo

(written 4.10.11/posted 4.11.11)

1 comment:

Jill Foley said...

He is so stinkin cute! I thought I had cute babies, but he's way cuter!

You are so fortunate and blessed to have such a good sleeper.

"Sometimes I'd like to ask God why He allows poverty, famine, and injustice in the world when He could do something about it, but I'm afraid God would ask me the same question."
You don't change the world by trying to change the world; you change the world by changing yourself.
-Gerry Straub