Aunt B came to visit right before Easter! I swear Oliver could be her child. :)
This picture captures his personality perfectly!
That red, furry thing is Murray from Sesame Street. He'd seen it in the store one day and we were playing with it and decided to get it for his Easter basket since he loved it so much. This picture makes me smile because when he saw Murray he acted like he remembered him and was SO excited to see him again. No idea if he really remembered him or if he just liked it...
His favorite toy ever, a Hess car (that is probably for children over the age of 6).
LOVE these curls!
He's not shy about snack time. Grocery store, on walks, you name it.
He will stand on his tippy toes to throw out shoes until he finds a matching pair.
I don't know what's funnier, this picture of the next one.
The boy loves tampons. He goes for them pretty much every day.
We had some awesome friends come visit - the boys are 13 days apart - and it was SO. MUCH. FUN.
(This picture is so weird to see now because we've totally changed that side of the room now!)
I bought Oliver a Corolle doll - I love the way new dolls smell. I'd forgotten about that until I opened the box, yum. He was so sweet putting the baby's paci in his mouth. We can't decide if the baby should be Max or Sam. We keep coming back to those names.
...and he's done. Ha! Love this picture.
Our laundry room is right around the corner from the playroom and I often dump piles of clothes in here to fold. This is what I found when I rounded the corner with my basket.
Oliver is very into sorting and matching right now. I'm trying to take advantage of that with different games. This was after church one day and he was matching the colors. Smart boy!
He loves being outside - to the point of screaming if we can't go out for whatever reason.
Oops. Daddy didn't want to walk around the entire neighborhood buddy...
LOVE this boy.
I love this picture - he'd just started walking really well (but not consistently) and it's one of the only pictures I have of him in action.
(Hess car!)
Daddy came home and turned on the T.V. A fun treat.
Still watching T.V.
Looking like a toddler - ahh!
I love this picture... we had just gotten home from church and I was changing him. I put his shoes aside so I could take them upstairs and was getting irritated that he wanted to carry them around knowing we'd surely lose one. He took them both down the hall near the front door and dropped them in our shoe pile. !!!! Smart boy !!!!
...and then it was time to nap. :)
Perfect for a 'wordless Wednesday' post I think!
We moved the crib mattress down today. We've done it twice before, but always moved it back up because I liked the skirt. I finally decided it was time - and I don't know why because he is NEVER in the crib. Not even for playtime anymore because he can get out. Seriously, never. It was a fun project anyway.
...and I got some snuggles out of the deal. :)