Jul 23, 2012

Hair cut!

Posting mobile but had to share today's adventure. First hair cut!!! It was time. I was ready. Yesterday. So we drove about 45 minutes after morning nap and made it happen.

I'm sad the big curls are gone but it was getting fluffy and mullet like in the back and looked like wings on the sides. So.... He went from looking like a little toddler to a big toddler in about six minutes.

He did great though. We picked a bright yellow taxi and he held three yellow train cars. Yellow is the color of the moment. Yellow and circles specifically :).

After his hair cut we went to the cafe next door to get gelato. We had nectarine (yum) and chocolate bc we couldn't decide.

Jul 2, 2012

Project Life 2011

Project life 2011 was a chronicle of my pregnancy, Oliver's birth, and his first year. I just finished it and am so glad to be done finally!!

I've not started this years album yet but I'm glad because as I was gathering all my pictures I realized I am much less emotionally attached and it's easier to just print the ones I will really use. Jess B of you're reading this I swear you and Ten would looove Project Life. It's so you!

Blogging from my phone so will keep it brief but just had to share this!! Everyone should do Project Life. :)

(just took these pics on my phone so no idea what order they will show up in... )
"Sometimes I'd like to ask God why He allows poverty, famine, and injustice in the world when He could do something about it, but I'm afraid God would ask me the same question."
You don't change the world by trying to change the world; you change the world by changing yourself.
-Gerry Straub