My friend Jill has been a
Compassion sponsor for almost 20 years! We met through Bible Study and learned we had a lot in common - we both went to ECU, have been long time Compassion sponsors (I've sponsored for 17 years! - yes, I was 13 when I sponsored my first child - her name was Brenda from Guatemala.), enjoy the outdoors, have read the Bible together... Jill is awesome. (Like me.) Kidding. She's really is amazing - she's an awesome mom and a wonderful role model to her sponsored children (and me!). She started this blog,
Compassion Family, to share Compassion with others.
Most everyone has seen the commercials for poor, starving children. Compassion is different - they have a holistic approach that really works. Of all the major child sponsorship organizations, Compassion graduates are truly lifted out of poverty. They go on to college/university/trade school; they become leaders in their families; they become sponsors themselves. Compassion works. Jill is passionate about sharing Compassion with others and I hope you will take a few minutes to read her
"Sometimes I'd like to ask God why He allows poverty, famine, and injustice in the world when He could do something about it, but I'm afraid God would ask me the same question."
You don't change the world by trying to change the world; you change the world by changing yourself.
-Gerry Straub
I didn't see this until today - wow! and thanks! You are so sweet. I feel like you are one of my best friends and we've never even met! (notice all my exclamation points?)
I feel the same! :) (I love the exclamation points!)
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