Jan 31, 2010
Wednesday, Jan. 27th
Jan 30, 2010
Nola's 2010 Snow Day

Thankfully, I'd picked up some Smartwool baselayers on Friday in anticipation of being outside in the ever freezing precipitation. I am SO glad I did that! I really love Smartwool. Do you have any? You should. I've gotten to the point that I almost always wear Smartwool socks. They're amazing... and they make my tootsies really happy.
Jan 28, 2010
Jan 26, 2010
Tuesday, two day (today)

Jan 24, 2010
Granddaddy's Jahms

Tonight, I am sitting on my couch, wrapped in a pair of Granddaddy's blue, striped pajamas. They smell like him, fresh out of his drawer. I wish he was still here - in his pajamas. Did you know that if you are still, you can see the tears in your eyes slowly roll to the edge of your lids like a wave, before they gently fall on your face? You can. I can see them, but I can smile at the same time because I know that Granddaddy is with Jesus wearing the most comfortable pajamas he's ever had.
Jan 21, 2010
Bob the builder...
Ok, NOW it is starting to feel REAL! Bob has been hard at work this week - I cannot believe how fast the framing has gone up. Are they doing it right?! The trusses are laying on the ground across the street so I'd imagine that by next week, we'll have a roof in the works. AHH!
The job search continues and oh is it ever frustrating...trusting that the right thing will come along. I've seen more and more positions open up over the last week so that is encouraging.
Jan 20, 2010
It's a God thing...

Jan 12, 2010
There is a time
He closed his eyes and focused on his breath. He reached out to hold a hand; a hand means he is not alone. No, he is not alone. We are with him. God is with him. Dr. Patton said, "you are going on a journey; a journey out of this life." He nodded that he understood. Dr. Patton said a prayer. The Holy Spirit filled the room.
Overwhelming peace.
As much as I don't want to see him leave this life, to know that he understands his journey brings me peace - brings us all peace. That we are able to spend special moments with him gives us immense joy. Our hearts are heavy, but they are full. God's grace has given us this precious time. Our Creator is preparing us for his departure - his entrance into the Kingdom of Heaven.
Soon, we will hear Psalm 121 and we will sing a joyful song unto the Lord for the life we once knew. We will listen to the words of the Fisherman's Prayer and celebrate life.
There is a time for all things. Sometimes unexpected, sometimes ignored - but that time comes whether we are ready, or not.
Our lives on earth are merely a vapor in the time of the earth. We are here for yet moments... How is it that we can be living, but dying at the same time? To have part of us in one world and another somewhere else. To know that we are transitioning to another place... leaving the world as we know it and all that we know behind. Our physical being was not created to withstand years upon years, our shell wears out and we peel back the layer to reveal who we really are - spiritual beings in a physical world.
Someone who is alive, is living - but someone whose body is shutting down, is both living and dying. Death is inevitable, it's how the world has continued to flourish and grow, yet it doesn't get easier to do. It is painful. When the body is shutting down, it is not painfree. It is not simple. There is an order to which it will happen. We know what to expect. We understand. We wait.
We enjoy our time. It is a gift. The present, it's a gift.
My face is hot, my head throbs with swollen eyes, but I will not forget the gift we have been given.
My grandfather was a strong man. He was quick, firm, smart, and funny. He instilled in me, a love for Africa. His travels inspired me and thus have made me who I am.
I will miss his laugh, the way his shoulders gently roll as he smirks and squints his eyes. I will miss him simply being - but in the next few days, I will just enjoy him - watching him breathe, watching him live.
Psalm 121
I lift up my eyes to the hills—
where does my help come from?
My help comes from the LORD,
the Maker of heaven and earth.
He will not let your foot slip—
he who watches over you will not slumber;
indeed, he who watches over Israel
will neither slumber nor sleep.
The LORD watches over you—
the LORD is your shade at your right hand;
the sun will not harm you by day,
nor the moon by night.
The LORD will keep you from all harm—
he will watch over your life;
the LORD will watch over your coming and going
both now and forevermore.
Jan 3, 2010
Notes from Romans
A few:
-Take your normal everyday life and offer it to God.
-Embrace what God does for you.
-Don't become so well adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking.
-Fix your attention on God to be changed inside out.
-Recognize what He wants from you and respond to it.
-We don't find meaning from God, we find it in Him.
-Keep a smile on your face.
-Love from the center of who you are - don't fake it.
-Bless your enemies, no cursing under your breath.
-Get along well, laugh with happy friends - shed tears when they're down.
-Don't hit back; discover beauty in everyone.
-Don't insist on getting even, God will be the judge.
-If you see your enemy hungry, go and buy them lunch.
-Love others. The sum of all things is love.
Romans has quickly become one of my favorite books. Paul wrote it in response to the Romans' lack of acknowledging what happened to Jesus - His life, death, and resurrection. It's written poetically and logically - and I love the words he chose to emphasize. This year, I'm reading the Bible again, chronologically. I had a lot of questions the first time around - I'm not completely done. I have a few books in the NT (Galatians-Rev) and then I need to go back and finish Isaiah and Ezekiel before I'm done. I stopped reading Isaiah around chapter 26 or so... it's a difficult book! I am learning that I really enjoy reading the Bible. There is a lot of history in it that I remember from school and it's been fun to challenge myself with that. Of course Jesus' teachings are also pretty important :) so that is enjoyable too!
Mmmm, my new obsession
Jan 2, 2010
Take Your Best Shot

Basically, Austin (the author) watches a video about a little girl living in poverty and his family ends up sponsoring a little boy in Uganda. Austin visits and well, I won't tell you everything in case you want to read it - but he is able to make some amazing dreams happen for children in Africa.
If anyone has kids around middle-school aged, this would be a GREAT book for them to read. I could completely see this book being used for homeschoolers - there are literally dozens of projects that come to mind. Austin is 9-years old when he does a lot of the things in the book and I think it is totally inspiring for other children.
It took me a while to read this since there were other more "adult" type books that I'd been trying to get through, but I'm glad I read this as it was a pretty good book, and an easy read. I really loved that there were questions following the chapters and scripture that corresponded with some of the lessons Austin learned. It was nice and while the questions were simple, they were great because it did make me think more about the topics he presented.
Check it out! If you'd like my copy, let me know! :)
Jan 1, 2010
2009 Reflection
-Gerry Straub